Sunday 25 March 2012

SimCity 2013 releasing February 15th 2013!

The famous Simcity series is returning sometime next year with tons of new features and a whole new graphics engine. The cities will be more diverse, look more realistic and have a more realistic feel to gameplay. Some of you may have already heard of Cities XL which sort of died of death when Monte Cristo got taken over by Focus Home Interactive and the game sightly improved, however simcity looks to rock their boats when this is released next year. The new multiplayer feature will bring a whole new element to the game. Maxis and EA hope to entice new players to the city builder genre of games with this game, so it definitely will be user friendly for the newbies to the game, and
of course existing fans will have all the fun of the past games in the series.
Take a look below for the new trailer: